When asked about their family engagement efforts, many school teams say that they’re putting in the work. But it’s hard to point to evidence of this connection beyond survey results–let alone know how many people took the survey in the first place.
Coming back after the holidays is an opportunity for community school teams to recharge, refocus, and set the tone for the remainder of the school year. We're sharing some tips to get you started.
The California Department of Education recently released a Request for Applications for Cohort 4 of the CCSPP implementation grants. Here are our best tips on using the implementation grant application to continue to build a strong foundation for CS development, whether you get the grant or not.
Meet Danielle Jordan, CSLX's new Policy & Research Associate, in this Q&A.
Whether you're brand new to your school – or brand new to the CSC role – take these three tips on how to kick off your first year as a CSC.
Like many of you, Team CSLX is wrapping up our year–fiscal year, that is! We’re taking our own advice, and reflecting and celebrating the work of our team over these last twelve months. Here’s our team’s highlights reel from ‘23-24.
When the CBE approved the CCSPP Implementation Grant Cohort 3 recipients, many LEAs and their schools were on the list…and many were not. Whether you applied and weren’t funded or never even applied, you can (and should!) still move forward with your plans for community school development.
If your application was funded, a big congratulations! If you're wondering what comes next, we have a number of “pro tips” we’ve compiled just for you.
From a community school development perspective, spring is the time to take stock of what you and your team have accomplished this year, and review your implementation plan to see what’s on deck. Here are our four top ways to make the most of the season.
Community school (CS) practitioners and teams that have a curiosity-centered mindset pull data, gather interest holders, and dig deep on questions about what the data is telling them.