CSLX works directly with districts, municipal agencies, community-based organizations, and the state-wide system of support to build and strengthen community school strategies.
On Thursday, February 27th, Pittsburg High School and the Pittsburg Unified School District (PUSD) invite fellow community school practitioners to come in for a site visit to learn from Pittsburg’s community school journey. Whether you are new to community schools, or not, join the Pittsburg Unified School District and the Community Schools Learning Exchange (CSLX) at Pittsburg High School for a day of shared learning, discussion, and reflection.
Coming back after the holidays is an opportunity for community school teams to recharge, refocus, and set the tone for the remainder of the school year. We're sharing some tips to get you started.
The California Department of Education recently released a Request for Applications for Cohort 4 of the CCSPP implementation grants. Here are our best tips on using the implementation grant application to continue to build a strong foundation for CS development, whether you get the grant or not.
Meet Danielle Jordan, CSLX's new Policy & Research Associate, in this Q&A.