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All schools, community schools

CSLX works directly with districts, municipal agencies, community-based organizations, and the state-wide system of support to build and strengthen community school strategies.


At CSLX, we believe all young people deserve access to relationship-centered, supportive, and equitable school communities where learning is culturally-rooted, inclusive, rigorous, and relevant.

Community schools offer an opportunity to co-create with educators, students, families, community partners, and public agencies to transform the way we do school.

We need each other to succeed.

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An illustration of a woman facing a dollar sign signifying a grant on the left side, and a question mark on the right side. Woman has long, wavy brown hair, and is wearing jeans and a yellow sleeveless top.

So you got a CCSPP grant! Now what?

If your application was funded, a big congratulations! If you're wondering what comes next, we have a number of “pro tips” we’ve compiled just for you.

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Spring Forward: Four ways to maximize CS development in the new season

From a community school development perspective, spring is the time to take stock of what you and your team have accomplished this year, and review your implementation plan to see what’s on deck. Here are our four top ways to make the most of the season.

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Moving Beyond ‘Checking the Box:’ Taking Data from Compliance to Curiosity

Community school (CS) practitioners and teams that have a curiosity-centered mindset pull data, gather interest holders, and dig deep on questions about what the data is telling them.

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