Community Schools Forward|Jan 11, 2024|Tool
The community schools strategy transforms a school into a place where educators, local community members, families, and students work together to strengthen conditions for student learning and healthy development.
Attendance Works|Apr 11, 2022|Tool
Tools and profiles of attendance work in community schools
DeQuendre Neeley-Bertrand, Parent Teacher Home Visits|Apr 1, 2022|Tool
This toolkit is designed to lead users through a deep reflection process and organize their efforts in the coming school year to create the conditions essential to effective home-school partnerships.
Public Profit|Apr 1, 2022|Tool
A collection of non-traditional ways to solicit input from stakeholders, like selfie stations, candy surveys, and collages. These approaches allow for more substantive back-and-forth between you and your stakeholders, and are designed for settings where traditional approaches aren't the right fit.
California Children's Trust and Breaking Barriers|Mar 30, 2022|Tool
Comprehensive guide for schools on accessing funding for social, emotional, and mental health in schools.
National Center for Community Schools|Mar 27, 2022|Tool
This guide provides a thorough overview of the community school director's roles, responsibilities, practice, and value-added in community school implementation.
Sharon Deich with Meghan Neary, Partnership for the Future of Learning|Mar 27, 2022|Tool
This guide introduces a framework for financing community schools that reflects tested practices. It also provides examples of how community schools at varying stages of development can identify and implement financing strategies.
Public Profit|Mar 21, 2022|Tool
Fabulous dashboard of potential needs assessment data courses, at a variety of levels.
National Center for Community Schools|Mar 15, 2022|Tool
Needs Assessment Tool developed by the NCCS, in partnership with The Children's Aid Society, Chicago Public Schools Community Schools Initiative, and ActKnowledge. This tool includes a simple checklist to guide you through an inclusive needs assessment process.
Mar 27, 2021|Tool