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2022 National Community Schools And Family Engagement Conference (CSxFE)

June 1, 2022

The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) is proud to host the 2022 National Community Schools and Family Engagement Conference (CSxFE) in Los Angeles! Uniting for Every Child's Opportunity, this year’s theme is both a reminder and a call to action. Reflect. Together, Covid-19 and the racial reckoning created the most profound teachable moment in most of our lifetimes. In the face of adversity, there is no learning from mistakes or building on success without reflection. Transform. For many children, youth and families, normal was insufficient. Creating a new normal that eliminates inequities of access and opportunity requires a major transformation of our practices, our partnerships, and our systems. Soar. To soar is to fly or rise high. If we continuously reflect and transform together, our students, families, educators, and communities will soar, reaching new heights, and advancing better outcomes.

At this conference, over 3,000 participants will engage in a plethora of learning and networking opportunities designed to increase their knowledge of Community Schools and Family Engagement, sharpen their skillsets to lead collaboratively and implement effective strategies. Regardless of your role within the education eco-system (parent and youth leaders; school and district leaders; community organizers and union activists; elected officials; community school coordinators and initiative leaders; education, justice and health system professionals; early childhood educators; university partners; disability advocates; researchers; and more), this convening is for you!

So, join us, and let’s soar to new heights together!

Registration is now open! Go to